Please pack the following:

- Enough clothing for one week
- Rainwear
- A warm sweater/jacket/fleece
- Bathing suit(s) and a shirt for sun protection
- Running shoes and sandals that fit
- Socks
- Sunhat
- Sleeping bag/bedding and a pillow
- Towels
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Soap
- Shampoo
- Water bottle
- Personal hygiene items, required by camper
- Flashlight
- Sunscreen and insect repellent
- If your camper wears glasses, please consider sending an old pair if you have them or a strap to keep them on
Some families send a bag for soiled clothing – in order that it not be taken home by someone else or even thrown out, please consider sending a clear bag or a laundry bag.
Please note that Lits will get a packing list with extra itmens they may need for thier programs in May.
Please do not bring the following
- Music or clothing with swearing or words that are violent or make fun of others.
- Laptops, cell phones and tablets.
- Anything that resembles a weapon, fireworks, knives, laser pointers or fidget spinners.
- Cell phones or laptops, precious clothing, jewellery.
- Hair dryers, curling irons and flat irons.
- Please check that your camper has not packed a lighter or matches or a vape pen.
Camp staff and committees will not be responsible for the loss of camper possessions.
Clothing Guidelines
Camp Clothing
Camp life is busy, active, and adventurous and we want to make sure campers and staff arrive at camp prepared to enjoy their time with us. We hope that the following guidelines will encourage everyone to focus on building friendships and enjoying the program in a safe, comfortable style.
- When packing for your camp adventure please be mindful to bring clothing for running, playing and messy fun. All campers and staff must wear a t-shirt with their swimsuit while on the beach for sun protection.
- Clothing covered with pictures or slogans deemed that promote alcohol or drugs or are overtly sexual will not be allowed on camp.
- We discourage the use of curling irons, hair straighteners, blow dryers, body sprays and make-up while at camp.
We wish to be very intentional about ways we can cut down on our electricity use in addition to safety concerns. We are hoping that we can devote our energies to getting outside and having a good time.
Camp Huron makes every effort to welcome and include campers and offers fun and engaging activities run by caring and compassionate staff… but being away from home can be lonely for even some of our most seasoned veterans!
- We advise families to accentuate the positive, talking about all the exciting things that will happen at camp
- Avoid telling your child that if they do not like camp you will come and get them as this often plants seeds of anxiety and distress.
- Please stay as long as you need to on the first day but note that sometimes prolonged good- byes can be upsetting for everyone!
- Consider sending a note or postcard, with positive comments like “We can’t wait to hear about your adventures!” or “I will miss you but think of all the things we can talk about when you come home!” These can be mailed or if small in size dropped by the office for delivery during the week.
- Feel free to call or e-mail us to inquire about your child, remembering that if we do not pick up the phone right away, we check messages frequently.
- Please do not give your camper a cell phone.
- If a camper is excessively homesick and especially if it is impacting the cabin, the Director will be in touch.