

Another summer has come and gone, and we are filled to overflowing with thanks. We regret that we were unable to run our overnight programs for a second season and we missed seeing so many of our camp families and friends.

Day Trips and Stayovers were again well-received. Over the summer we met and served over 500 visitors who enjoyed bright blue water and sunny skies, shady trees, a few distanced camp activities and if staying over, an opportunity to gather around small campfires under starry, starry night skies.

Our much smaller staff team greeted guests, cared for the site with cleaning and beautification projects, planned and prepared meals, and even updated manuals and camp procedures in preparation for next year. We also found time to learn together, welcoming leadership from PWRDF and participating in the workshop,  Mapping the Ground We Stand On. This experience was quite impactful, inspiring our young leaders and sowing seeds for future camp programming.

One of the most delightful things to come out of this summer was the recording of Camp Huron Sings vol 1, our very first album of favorite worship songs.  We have always had an abundance of images to share – now everyone can hear us! Have a listen on Spotify, Apple Music or You Tube and be transported into our ever-widening circle of faith, fun and friends. Music videos, shot by on an iPhone,  for “All God’s Critters”, “Like a Rock”, “This Little Light of Mine”,  and “The Wedding Banquet” can also be found on You Tube and St James’ Facebook page.

These last two seasons have not been the summers we hoped for, planned for, or expected, but God’s Spirit continues to move throughout this holy place, calling us, challenging us, and inspiring us  to care for the site and one another  as we  embody the open-armed, open-hearted Christ,  waiting with hope and expectation … until we can gather again.

Please watch this website for updates – staffing commences in December and online registration will open in late January.