- Intorducing LIT 1, 2, 3by Gerry Adam
As we all know, we love leaders at Camp Huron and it’s fair to say that the development of ours starts at an early age. Campers who return every year start to think about giving back, becoming part of the next generation of leaders who will inspire the next and so on and so on!
This is why we are shifting to an intentional 3 – year Leader in Training Program, during which we hope to build a pool of young persons, who by the time they are eligible to apply to work here, will have already begun to build relationships and a sense of belonging to a community of confident servant leaders both at camp and beyond.
Announcing: LIT 1, 2, 3
For the 2024 season we are offering three levels of Leader in Training
LIT 1 – Wonder July 7- 20 or July 28-August 10 (For those graduating from Grade 8 in 2024) $1500 incl HST
A 2 -week program during which participants will consider their move to secondary school, learn about community service hours and volunteerism, and begin to take on increased responsibility, while practising being a role-model for younger campers. LIT1s will be given more opportunities to experience independence and a chance to wonder about their next steps both at camp and beyond. There will be an opportunity to enjoy an off-site activity. Those who complete the program can claim 10 hours community service.
LIT2 – Explore July 7 – 20 or July 28 – August 10 (For those graduating from Grade 9 in 2024) $1500 HST incl
A 2-week program during which participants will learn more about how camp operates, both by working and playing together in their group, and alongside younger campers. There will be more opportunities to take on leadership roles during camp-wide activities, as well as time to prepare for a 2-night group expedition to MacGregor Point, for camping, hiking, swimming, and outdoor activities. A fun, engaging program, LIT2s will explore their potential as individual leaders while working as part of a team. Those who complete this program can claim 20 hours of community service.
LIT3- Serve July 7 – 27 or July 28 – August 17 (For those graduating from Grade 10 in 2024) $2100. HST incl
A 3-week program during which participants will learn more about child development and the care of campers in preparation for a week-long internship in a cabin in their final week. There will be opportunities to help lead camp-wide activities and be with campers during the day, learning about them by being with them. Lit3s will benefit from time set apart for individual and group feedback, reflection, and mentorship from older staff, the majority who have grown up at camp! We are proud to raise our own leaders at Camp Huron! Those who complete this program can claim 40 hours of community service.
Please Note:
Sr Camp has ended. We will still include Grade 8s in our weekly programs., but ask you to consider Sessions 3 and 6. We will of course take them in the week they prefer.
- Registration opens February 24 at 6 pmby Gerry Adam
- Camp Huron Sings, vol 2 has dropped!by Gerry Adam
We are exctied to announce that we have more camp music to share with everyone! Created by Oscar Abley this album features not only staff, but campers. Have a listen wherever you stream your music or on YouTube
Enjoy and as one of the songs says….pass it on…
- COVID-19 Information for Upcoming Campsby Gerry Adam
July 2022
At this time, all COVID-19 Guidelines from both the Ministry of Health and Huron Perth Public Health as well as the Diocese of Huron have been cancelled.
We will be staying connected with all of these organizations as well as noting any advice from the Ontario Camps Association as do our best to balance providing a wonderful summer camp experience with keeping everyone safe.
Throughout the pandemic one thing we all regularly experienced was change. If any adjustments need to be made this summer to any part of the outline below, we commit to communicating these changes as soon as possible.
Before you come to camp:
According to the Chief Medical Officer of Health in Ontario, vaccinations are one of the best tools we have to combat COVID-19. While vaccines will not be a requirement for campers this summer, we encourage each camper to get their COVID vaccines as they can. As a requirement of working for the Diocese of Huron, Camp Huron staff have been vaccinated.
We encourage each camper to limit their exposure to people outside of their household to the best extent possible in the week leading up to their time at camp.
Before setting out on your trip to the camp we ask that you check everyone in your family for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (beyond anything which is normal, such as seasonal allergies or anything associated with having just woken up)
You can also use the COVID SCREENING TOOL from the province of Ontario.
If you cannot pass the screening, or feel unwell, please do NOT come to camp.
Please call the camp office 519-434-6893 ext 217 so we can update our cabin lists and hopefully arrange for your camper to return later in the summer or offer a refund.
Campers and staff are welcome to wear masks.
We will not require masks to be worn when we are outside. The bulk of our programs have always occurred outdoors.
Our large gathering spaces, like the Chapel, Program Building and Dining Hall are very well ventilated, so mask wearing will be optional. We will have plenty of adult and child-sized masks available for anyone who wishes to wear one.
Cleaning and Sanitizing
Camp Huron has always had a schedule of regular cleaning and sanitation. We will ensure that bathrooms are cleaned, some higher traffic ones twice or more daily. Our new washroom building is especially well-ventilated and spacious.
All cabin porches will have hand sanitizer. There will be clearly marked sanitation stations round the site.
Sickness at Camp
If a camper or staff member shows symptoms of COVID-19, we will require that they isolate in our Health Centre until they are able to be picked up.
As most campers are only at camp for a week, we will discuss a return in a later session or a partial refund on a case-by -case basis.
Campers and Staff that are in the same cabin or group as an individual that is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 may also be required to isolate from the group and be sent home based on their vaccination status. Again, coming back later in the summer or partial refund will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
Rapid Antigen Tests
Camp Huron has rapid antigen tests to use as a tool to help us verify whether a staff or camper has COVID-19. We will contact parents/caregivers or emergency contacts and keep them informed about the results of the test as soon as we can.
We thank everyone, campers, families, friends and staff for their patience and grace as we continue to navigate our way back to our overnight programs for children and youth!
- A Message from a staff memberby Gerry Adam
View this email in your browser Hello!
My name is Rebekkah Phibbs and I am the Administrative Assistant Director for Camp Huron this summer. As we begin preparations for the summer, we are hoping to increase the registration numbers in the following weeks.
Camp Huron has been unable to host children as we usually do for the past two years, and this summer we are eager to celebrate the space that we were given to share our faith with the children in our communities. We are hoping to reach some new campers this year, and hoping that you all are able to share some of this information with families in and around your community.
Camp is a diverse and welcoming community, where children and youth are free to be themselves without restrictions. We continue to make it our mission to be as inclusive as possible. Children from the ages of 6-16 years old are welcome to take part in our week-long programs (Leader in Training is for 15-16 years), no matter what background they have or who they present themselves as. Please feel free to look on Youtube for “The Wedding Banquet” music video on the Camp Huron Youtube page—this might give you a good idea of who we are and what we represent.
This summer is a great opportunity for churches to sponsor or encourage children to go to camp, and give them an experience of a lifetime. Everyone is welcome at camp, including those who may need financial aid, children who need extra attention, or those who need a safe place. We offer the ability to have a one-to-one camp counsellor present with children who have exceptional needs, and a staff who have a plethora experience within this role. Camp Huron is a place where every child belongs.
We are also taking the necessary COVID-19 precautions, and all staff on site are fully vaccinated.
This year, our theme for the summer is Home-Longing, Home-Coming. We are coming home to Camp Huron this summer, and we are eager to continue to grow our camp family through our faith and community. We could not be more excited to welcome children back home this summer.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns regarding the summer, and make sure to register on our website!
Thank you,
Rebekkah Phibbs (she/her)
Administrative Assistant Director
Camp Huron